Le Metier de Beaute

Métier ('me-tē-yā): a skill requiring artistry, a person’s area of expertise, one’s craft.

By definition, if you find your métier in this life, you have found your true calling. Aristotle said that the purpose of a knife is to cut, likewise for a rose to bloom, a candle to bare light. If you find your purpose, the craft you most excel in is your métier.
Le Métier de Beauté, the craft of beauty, was founded on these principles. To gather a consortium of artists and craftsmen that excel in creating singular pieces of beautifully refined makeup and skincare, a celebration of everything desirable in this realm. Passionate attention to detail, performance, textures, formulas, elegance, and aesthetics. In short, the best of the best.

This is our Métier.
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Due to high demand, occasionally some of our products do go out of stock. We are constantly monitoring our stock levels, and we usually expect to replenish any product line within a couple of weeks. If you want to purchase an item that is out of stock, please send us a message & we will work hard to get it back in stock as soon as possible. .